The Place for Competitive Programmers

Toph is where programmers participate in programming contests, solve algorithm and data structure challenges and become a part of an awesome community.

Practice to Level Up, Compete for Glory

Start your journey of competitive programming at Toph: with an archive of 1887 categorized programming problems and all noteworthy Bangladeshi programming contests since 2015 that you can rerun for practice.

Host Programming Contests With Ease, At Any Scale

Preset and custom contest formats
Invite-only, passphrase, or open for all
Block or disqualify participants
Network and geographic restrictions
Multiple standings with the option to freeze
Review and rejudge submissions in bulk
Manage announcements and clarifications
Debug submissions in Drafts
Host mirrors and replays as easily
Plagiarism detection
Print server integration
Balloon management interface

An easy-to-use user interface built for humans. Scalable from a few to thousands of participants.

Top institutions choose Toph to create the best programming contest experience.

Design Programming Problems, Collaboratively

Drafts comes with all the tools to make your programming problem designing work a bliss.

Home to Tens of Thousands of Competitive Programmers

Coming Soon: ioStats by Toph

ioStats by Toph is an upcoming quarterly publication and newsletter for competitive programmers.

Sign-up for updates.

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