Limits 1s, 512 MB

Given an integer nn, print nn unique integers in the range [1,109][1, 10^9] such that,

  1. The bitwise AND value of all the numbers is a prime number.

  2. The bitwise OR value of all the numbers is a prime number.

  3. The bitwise XOR value of all the numbers is a prime number.


Input consists of a single integer n(1n105)n(1 \leq n \leq 10^5).


Print nn space-separated integers in a line. Do not print any extra spaces after the last integer.


2 7


  • A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 and has exactly 2 divisors which are 1 and the number itself.

  • Bitwise OR operation compares bits in the same index in the binary representation of all the numbers in question and if at least one of the bits was 1, it sets the corresponding resulting bit to be 1, otherwise 0.

  • Similarly, Bitwise AND operation sets the corresponding bit to 1 if all the bits were 1, otherwise 0.

  • Bitwise XOR operation sets the corresponding resulting bit to 1 if an odd number of bits were set to 1, otherwise 0.


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rifat_246Earliest, 3w ago
Raisa_Rahman777Fastest, 0.0s
achoynakenoLightest, 5.1 MB
achoynakenoShortest, 636B
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