Problems from 3rd DIU-SWE Intra Department Programming Contest, Spring 2019 (Junior)

These problems are from a contest hosted on March 29, 2019 at 3:55 AM UTC. See details...

A. Hello World
3rd DIU-SWE Intra Department Programming Contest, Spring(2019) is happening now. You might be excite...
Moderate 3/5/15
B. Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty are playing a video game called "Shoot 'em all". In this game, a player shoots his op...
Very Easy 168/168/195
C. Musk Colonizing Mars
Elon Musk often asks a question “Do you think I'm insane?”. We don't know right? But we all know tha...
D. Luckily Unlucky
Jashim is a real lucky person. He buys lottery tickets a lot and wins most of them. He buys a bunch ...
Very Easy 65/66/87
E. Deadpool Gonna Make Math Fun!
Two facts about deadpool are one, he loves math (biggest lie ever!) and two, he can't die (sort of t...
F. বান্ধobi
My sister's best friend - Anusha is like a sister. Her family and my family are like family. We giv...
Moderate 26/30/70
G. Circular String
A Circular String is a string that does not have an initial or terminal element. Instead, the two en...
Moderate 9/11/23
H. Easiest Problem Ever
You will be given two numbers A & B. Now you have to answer two things. First number of prime number...
Moderate 7/10/21
I. Sheldon Hates Geology
Sheldon is a theoretical physicist. He hates geology. He thinks geology isn’t real science. He consi...
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