Problems from ICT Division presents – 7th DRMC International Tech Carnival 2024 Programming Contest [Preliminary]

These problems are from a contest hosted on May 6, 2024 at 1:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Ballon D'or
After winning the 8th Ballon D'or, Messi created a new bitwise operator named "Ballon D'or". Also, h...
rudro25 Moderate 3/12/75
B. House of Remians
Dhaka Residential Model College is renowned for its Houses. This Houses are basically halls for the ...
C. Triplet
Who can resist a problem that has short statement? Here's your task: Solve the following problem.You...
D. Evergreen Subsequence of Alice
This is not going to be a game day for Alice and Bob. Playing has become boring for them. Rather tha...
E. Consistency Is the Key!
A long, long time ago, there lived a hare in the forest who always boasted of his running speed. He ...
F. Captain Cold
Flash and Captain Cold were fighting. Captain Cold froze flash and got little precious time to flee....
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