Problems from BUET CSE Day 2016 Programming Contest (Replay)

These problems are from a contest hosted on November 14, 2016 at 12:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. The Hater of Powers
It is the year 4016 and BUET is organizing yet another inter university programming contest. Contest...
Jhamra Moderate 7/12/52
B. War in the Wizarding World
There is a deadly war going on between two countries (Bitland and Byteland) in the wizarding world. ...
C. The Wall
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived two groups of people named Stormtroopers and ...
D. Perseus and The New Challenge
The life of princess Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ados, is in dan...
E. Oh Functions
Let’s define functions f and g as: f(x) = 2 * ( f(x-1) + g(x-1) - 1 ) * ( f(x-1) + g(x-1) - 3 ) + 12...
F. A Boring Game
Alice and Bob are playing a game with a tree with n nodes. Alice always plays first, and the two pla...
G. Mario and Princess Peach
The world of Mario can be imagined as 2D grid of $N$ rows and $M$ columns--containing a total of $N ...
H. Different Standings
The 2016 Olympic Games is over, but in a planet far away from earth, there is a similar competition ...
Moderate 5/5/14
I. Gold Mines
The city of gridland is a grid with n rows and m columns. The city can be divided into n*m cells. A ...
DFS, Graph Moderate 53/68/260
J. Final Days of Goldfinger
We see agent Bond once again being called in time of a great need. The vile criminal Auric Goldfinge...
K. Kinderbijslag
Kinderbijslag (children's allowance) is a social security payment which is distributed to the parent...
Math Very Easy 323/343/600
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