Problems from CS Fest - AIUB, Programming Contest - Junior Division

These problems are from a contest hosted on April 25, 2024 at 3:20 AM UTC. See details...

A. Garbage V1
The drivers of garbage trucks have become increasingly troublesome lately. Occasionally, they avoid ...
B. Are you rich?
In this intriguing numerical puzzle, your task is to strategically allocate your limited funds acros...
C. Students Are in HELLL
Today marks a significant event at AIUB as CS Fest commences. This year, N students are participatin...
D. Truples
Consider a scenario where you have an array of numbers. Your goal is to determine and print the numb...
E. Substrings
Picture yourself on a quest, exploring a long string like a treasure map. Your mission? Count all th...
F. Arrreeeeeeeyyyyyyy
You are given an array A of size n with unique elements. For each index i of array A, you have to an...
G. D_C_G V1
The regional contest of BDMo 2024 is about to end. There is silence everywhere and you are strugglin...
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