Problems from DIU Unlock the Algorithm Programming Contest Spring-24 [Preliminary - A Slot]

These problems are from a contest organized by Daffodil International University - Department of CSE on May 18, 2024 at 3:35 AM UTC See details...

A. The Ancient Library Quest
In a land where knowledge was the greatest treasure, there stood an ancient library known as the Hal...
B. Robert’s Rectangular Plot
Explore the joy of Farming with Robert! Robert wants to start his farming journey on a countryside l...
C. Magic Box
Alice is a little girl who loves to arrange her things from smallest to largest. One day, she found ...
D. Ghostbuster
There are N monsters, each with a specific power level given in an array a of length N in non-decrea...
E. Fruit Frenzy
You are given an integer array of N fruits, where the ai​ represents the type of ith fruit. Also you...
F. Fight to Win
In a kingdom, there is a 2−Dimensional grid G consisting of N rows, and M columns representing the b...
G. Book of Madness
You are given a torn book divided into several chapters, with each chapter consisting of multiple pa...
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