Problems from Father Timm Memorial Programming Contest 4.0 - Practice Contest

These problems are from a contest organized by Notre Dame Information Technology Club at NDC, Dhaka on April 28, 2024 at 11:00 AM UTC See details...

A. Cat Everywhere
Cats everywhere! I came back home after being far away for a long time. Two of my sisters are very f...
B. I Dont Like Polynomial
Given a k degree polynomial P(x)=∑i=0k​ai​xi (0≤ai​≤7) and f(n)=“number of such polynomial so that ...
C. Square Maze
Sajib is a criminal. Respected judge has sentenced him to prison for 10 years! He is now spending hi...
D. Survivor Sum
Suppose you have a multiset of numbers {a1​,a2​,…,ak​}. Suppose x is the smallest number and y is th...
E. Such an Odd Product
On his way home after a hectic day full of lab works, Tim found a sequence a1​,a2​,…,an​ of positive...
F. Diligite Lumen Sapientiae
In the heart of Dhaka, Bangladesh, during the post-independence era in 1949, a group of dedicated Ro...
G. Linear Programming?
Given the value a, b and N. Find the number of non-negative integer pairs (x1​,x2​) which satisfies ...
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