Problems from SCB-PA Inter School and College Programming Contest 2019 - Chattogram Regional Selection

These problems are from a contest hosted on October 3, 2019 at 4:10 AM UTC. See details...

A. Crayons
Five friends A, B, C, D and E has come to a shop to buy crayons for their art project. They need cra...
B. Meena's Fibonaccina
Meena likes Fibonaccina numbers a lot. She gave Raju an assignment on Fibonaccina numbers. So Raju a...
Moderate 22/47/161
C. Maze Runner
Like always Alice and Bob are playing games. Alice gives Bob a tree and challenged him in the follow...
D. Arrayman
Arrayman is a very famous person. He has an array of n integers. He wants to divide it in a number o...
E. Mighty Thor
"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." This inscription wa...
Moderate 5/6/38
F. Quick Brown Fox and the Lazy Dog
In every game, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. But now, the fox decided to test the dog...
G. Elementary Arithmetic
When Shakib was little, his mother used to help him with his studies. Usually, around 7 PM in the ev...
H. Board of Numbers
Imagine you are working for a software company. The company is interested in making mobile games and...
Very Easy 156/208/507
I. Elementary Arithmetic Made Easy
When Shakib was little, his mother used to help him with his studies. Usually, around 7 PM in the ev...
Very Easy 77/78/87
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