Kingdom of Code
Kingdom CODE is the most peaceful place in the universe. King NOVOSH and Queen ALMIDA is ruling this...
Prime Avoider
Mr. X is a friend of Hafiz bhai. Mr. X loves to play with numbers in his leisure but he hates prime ...
Traveling Policy of Ajobdesh
In Ajobdesh, there are multiple cities and one of them is considered as the capital city. Obviously,...
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat
Your very close friend, John, also known as the Baba Yaga, is often on various missions to complete ...
Playing On A Directed Graph
You are given a directed graph consisting of n vertices and m edges (each edge is directed, so it ca...
Scarlet Speedster
The scarlet speedster of Central City, popularly known as the Flash is fighting an epic battle again...
Chow, Mo
Mo, the jumper has found an extraordinary tree in the woods. He absolutely loves it. He already has ...
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