Substring Search
You are given n strings s1​,s2​,s3​,…,sn​ and should process m queries. Each query is described by f...
Sofdor Ali and Bracket Sequence
Sofdor Ali has invented a new game. He asked his assistant Jong Bahadur ( who happens to be a monkey...
Smallest Subarray
You are given an array A of N integers A1, A2, A3, ..., AN . If we select two indices (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ N...
A substring of string S is another string S' which occurs in string S. For example: S = aaba and one...
How Hasinur Met His Girlfriends
Hasinur’s love interest is always curious about different strings and their properties. He wants to ...
Unique Substrings Query
You will be given a string s of length n. Consider substring s[i,n] (where i is the starting positio...
Simple As a Substring!
Many years have passed after Simba's death. The jungle has a new lion cub born just a few hours ago....
The Story of Stringland
The king of Stringland is employing an elite force of undercover agents to protect the kingdom from ...
The Assignment
Bolt is working at a prominent company called Icefire. He has been given a task for evaluation. The ...
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