Problems by adnan_toky

Adnan And Chess Tournament
Adnan is going to organize a chess tournament. He has invited n players to participate. Each pair of...
Moderate 4/5/9
Battle of Brains
Do you remember Alice and Bob? They are fighting for glory in a battle game they’ve just bought. The...
Moderate 42/44/55
Battle of FurfuriNagar
The country FurfuriNagar is famous for the cartoon series Motu Patlu. The peace and furfuriness of t...
Moderate 4/4/4
Divisible LCM
You have a sequence a1​, a2​, a3​, …, an​ of n integers and q queries. In each query, you are given ...
Easy But Easy Game
Alice and Bob are playing a game on a string s of length n consisting of characters ‘0’ and ‘1’. The...
Moderate 2/8/13
Efa & Her Array
Efa has received an array a1​,a2​,a3​,…an​ of n integers as her birthday gift. Her younger sister Ta...
Invite the Heroes
There are n cities numbered from 1 to n in a country. Two consecutive cities are connected by a bidi...
Powerful Number
Efa loves numbers. She thinks a number is powerful if it can be expressed in the form xy where x and...
XOR Is Fun
Efa hates numbers. But she loves the XOR operation. This time, you have to solve another problem for...
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