Problems by sakibalamin

Absolute U
Do you know about absolute value function? In mathematics, the absolute value of a real number u, de...
Math Very Easy 329/337/425
Ashik's Trouble
Ashik is generally a good boy. But recently he has had some trouble with one of his classmates. His ...
Binary Pigeons
There are $N$ pigeons standing one after another in a straight line. There are two kinds of pigeons:...
Choco Moco
Aminul & Imran are good friends. Not only friends but also teammates. Their team NSU MeowMax qualifi...
Directed Rectangle
Sami has just finished his assignments, to relax, he wants to play games. Since he’s banned from PUB...
Help Sakib!
Sakib likes competitive programming. Often he takes part in online programming contests. But due to ...
NAC-SAC Game! (Easy)
Akash and Guru are playing an interesting game. They are standing at the two ends of the NAC-SAC bri...
NAC-SAC Game! (Hard. Well, Not Really. 😛)
Remember the game played by Akash and Guru on the NAC-SAC bridge? (For those cannot remember, Akash ...
Tree Knapsack Problem
Akash loves maths, but being from Rajshahi, he also loves mangoes. That is why he has a large mango ...
Who Ate the Pizza Slices?
Misty’s life is very dramatic. No matter how careful she is, some interesting and sometimes unfortun...
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