Dec '19 Rated for ≤1800 Official

16th December Programming Contest 2019

By Furqan Software

In this 16 hour open-for-all contest, you will have 16 easy problems to solve.


The contest started on December 16, 2019 at 2:00 AM UTC and ran for 16 hours.


This contest is rated for participants who's rating is below or equal to 1800 at the time of the contest. Toph uses the Glicko-2 rating system.


The authors of this contest are amirul_islam, Arcturus, cosmicray001, curly_braces, fire_tornado, masrur, msi1427, shep_com, shoumo, and Tashdid_trdb.

amirul_islam's AvatarArcturus's Avatarcosmicray001's Avatarcurly_braces's Avatarfire_tornado's Avatarmasrur's Avatarmsi1427's Avatarshep_com's Avatarshoumo's AvatarTashdid_trdb's Avatar


This contest is formatted similar to ACM-ICPC Regional Programming Contests. See details...

You can use Bash 5.2, Brainf*ck, C# Mono 6.0, C++11 GCC 7.4, and 16 other programming languages in this contest.

Be fair, be honest. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Judges’ decisions will be final.

This contest has ended.


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