BUET Intra CSE14 Programming Contest Statistics

Dec '16
ProblemSolutionsAttemptsFirst Solved
A. Sifat and His Copy Checker37380:02:46
B. The Cows33360:19:06
C. Game of Factorial37370:06:07
D. Anik and His String31340:22:21
E. Girls’ Party35350:14:57
F. Kenshin Is Getting Aged!16170:53:53
G. Antu Ekhon Baba38380:23:58
H. Piu and Her Genius Little Brother16190:49:56
I. Longest Common Subsequence383:20:38
J. Shehab Bhai Buffet Khawabe!572:05:20
K. Helping Friends11252:18:52
L. Efficient Multiplication891:35:29
M. Photography8171:21:43
N. Road Construction022128d
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