Jan '21

কোডshock_ 2021 (Rangpur Round)

By Haragach Math, Science and Programming Lovers' Community

The third edition of the কোডshock_ programming contest is going to be organized under the theme “কথায় নয়, কোডে পরিচয়” in 2021. This year's contest will be organized grandly. The organizer of this event is Haragach Math, Science and Programming Lovers' Community and the host of the onsite round is Haragach Multilateral High School. Toph is going to be the judging platform of the contest as always. Also Youth Opportunities, Ongko IT Club and Monthly Sobuj Potro will act as an outreach partner, club partner and news partner respectively.

This contest is being organized since 2019 for testing the programming skills of the students of Bangladesh. The first contest was held in 2019, in a short extent. About 325 students of the country took part in the contest. In 2020, the organizers were thinking to organize it in a grand way. But then Corona started to spread. Keeping this epidemic situation in mind, the contest of 2020 was taken online, in which about 389 students took part. Now the outbreak of corona has decreased a bit in Bangladesh. So now the contest will be organized grandly at the beginning of 2021.

To register for this round (which will be held on-site), you have to come directly to the registration spots. Seats are limited, so the registration will be on "first come first served" basis. You have to fill a form by paying a registration fee of 100TK at the registration spot. After submitting the form, an Admit Card will be issued immediately, which must be brought to the venue on the day of the contest. You can also register by filling out an online form. In that case, the registration fee has to be paid using bKash. (The rest of the instructions for online registration are in the form.)

For more details:-


The contest started on January 8, 2021 at 4:00 AM UTC and ran for 2 hours.


The authors of this contest are arlikhon, and mashfiqur404.

arlikhon's Avatarmashfiqur404's Avatar


You can use C++11 GCC 7.4, C++14 GCC 8.3, C++17 GCC 13.2, C11 GCC 9.2 in this contest.

Be fair, be honest. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Judges’ decisions will be final.

This contest has ended.


Ended Jan '21

Practice Contest

Practice contests allow you to re-run contests and experience them as close as possible to the original run.


Haragach Math, Science and Programming Lovers' Community



ক. জেমি'র জ্যামিতি
খ. ছাইড়া দে মা কাইন্দা বাঁচি!
গ. মধ্যক নির্ণয়
ঘ. বিভাজ্যতা নিয়ে সমস্যা
ঙ. ঘূর্ণি যখন জেমির হাতে
চ. মুসিবত এখন কোথায়?
ছ. বাবারা লাইনে থাকিস
জ. A Super Easy Problem - "Array Query"

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