Dec '19

Contest Based on SUST Intra University Programming Contest 2019

This contest is based on the problems of SUST Intra University Programming Contest 2019. It was originally hosted on SUST's online judge SourceCode.

You will be given 12 problems in total and 5 hours to solve them. We tried to create very engaging problems, compact statements and robust datasets for this round. We hope that EVERYONE will find the problems stimulating and interesting.

You can also participate as a team.

Note: There will be an interactive problem. If you don't know about interactive problems, please refer to this article.

Good Luck! See you on the leaderboard!


The contest started on December 20, 2019 at 9:00 AM UTC and ran for 5 hours.


The authors of this contest are foyaz05, ovis96, shahriarsust13, shourov.sust, underdog, and YouKnowWho.

foyaz05's Avatarovis96's Avatarshahriarsust13's Avatarshourov.sust's Avatarunderdog's AvatarYouKnowWho's Avatar


This contest is formatted as per the official rules of ICPC Regional Programming Contests. See details...

You can use C++11 GCC 7.4, C++14 GCC 8.3, C++17 GCC 13.2, C11 GCC 9.2, and 6 other programming languages in this contest.

Be fair, be honest. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Judges’ decisions will be final.

This contest has ended.


Ended Dec '19

Practice Contest

Practice contests allow you to re-run contests and experience them as close as possible to the original run.

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