3M ago IUPC

UAP Inter University Collaborative Programming Contest 1.0 (Junior)

By University of Asia Pacific

The UAP Inter-University Collaborative Programming Contest 1.0 aims to create a space where aspiring coders from various universities can engage in friendly competition, showcase their skills, and build lasting connections within the coding community. This event provides a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and networking among the vibrant Computer Science and Engineering community.

Collaborative universities are UAP, AUST, BUBT, UITS, UIU, IUBAT, SMUCT, GUB, EWU, IST, and DIU.


  • T-shirts for all contestants

  • Notepad for all contestants

  • Pen for all contestants

  • Medals for the top three teams and the best girl team

  • Trophy for champion team and

  • Certificates for all teams


The contest started on January 27, 2024 at 4:10 AM UTC and ran for 5 hours.


The authors of this contest are AbWalid, azim_islam, Plabon.Dutta, TanzirMehedi_CSE, and xenonide.

AbWalid's Avatarazim_islam's AvatarPlabon.Dutta's AvatarTanzirMehedi_CSE's Avatarxenonide's Avatar


Critical Rules
  • Cheating incidents by an individual will lead to disqualification of the whole team.

  • Corresponding individuals will not receive anything from this contest.

  • The contest duration will be 5 hours.

  • It will be held on extended ICPC rules.

  • The penalty for each incorrect submission until the submission with a full solution is 10 minutes.

  • Single PC for each team.

  • The rank list will be frozen after 1 hour but teams will be given a static rank list (without information about individual problems) at the end of 5 hours.

Instructions to be Followed During Contest
  • Login the online judge with provided credentials in the token in only one PC.

  • A team member is allowed to communicate with his/her teammates only. Any other person is not allowed to communicate with any of the team members during the contest.

  • Proctors can ask any contestant to show his/her screen at any moment. Each contestant is obliged to follow that command.

  • Contestants are NOT ALLOWED to use any sites other than online-judge during the contest.

  • Contestants are allowed to use the calculator on their computers.

  • Contestants are allowed to use any IDE/Editor/Terminal to facilitate coding.

  • Contestants are NOT allowed to use any other electronic devices other than PC.

Jeopardy Policy

Keeping the worst possible scenario in mind, if the onsite contest cannot take place due to any severe unavoidable reason, depending upon the scenario, the hosts shall do any or some of the following –

  • Refund fully.

  • Send the kits to contestants.

  • Arrange the contest online.

  • Of course, the hosts hope (and pray) that this policy shall never be used.

Team Notebook Guideline:

Teams can bring a printed Team Reference Document. This document may contain up to 25 pages of reference materials, single-sided, letter or A4 size. Each page must be numbered in the upper right-hand corner and team name printed in the upper left-hand corner. It may include hand-written comments and corrections on the fronts of pages only. The backside of each page must be completely empty. Nothing else will be allowed.

This contest is formatted as per the official rules of ICPC Regional Programming Contests. See details...

You can use Bash 5.2, Brainf*ck, C# Mono 6.0, C++11 GCC 7.4, and 29 other programming languages in this contest.

Be fair, be honest. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Judges’ decisions will be final.

This contest has ended.


Ended 3M ago

Practice Contest

Practice contests allow you to re-run contests and experience them as close as possible to the original run.


University of Asia Pacific



A. Time Travelling Collector
B. Tribute to Our JRC Sir
C. Happy New Year
D. Ashik and GCD
E. Puzzle
F. Sita the Little Girl
G. Istiak's Residence
H. Ancient Temple
I. Zombie Virus Outbreak
J. Ashik and Patterns
K. The Encryption Game
L. Water in a Tree

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