Limits 2s, 1.0 GB

Mr. Tom is the head of ICPC world final organizing committee. For the world final, he comes to Dhaka. For buying some goodies he goes to a departmental store. He sees an interesting thing in this store. This store gives some gift cards on some products by following some rules.

There is n pile of offer products. Each pile contains two products with sequence order as(1-st product, 2-nd product).

Each product contains:

  • A single product has a price p[i].

  • Also a single product contains 2 x n gift cards collection in a row (g[1], g[2], g[3] ... g[2 x n]) where g[i] denotes the amount of money.

He has m amount of money. He wants to buy those offered products using less than or an equal m amount of money and maximize the total amount of gift card money. But this time buying a product is different.

For buying i-th product:

  • He needs at least p[i] amount of money.

  • From i-th pile he can buy 1-st product first. More formally ( to buy 2nd product he needs to buy 1-st product first).

  • During buying i-th product, he gains i-th gift card money as g[i] from this particular product’s gift card collections.


The first line of input contains an integer n, m - the number of piles and amount of money Mr tom has.

The next two line contains 2×n2 \times n integers where:

  • the 1-st line contains n integers as 1st product price as (p[1],p[2],p[3],…..p[n]) of i-th piles.

  • the 2-nd line contains n integers as 2-nd product price as (p[1],p[2],p[3],…..p[n]) of i-th piles.

Then the next N line as (1,2,3,..N) i-th line where:

  • each i-th line contains 2×n 2 \times n integers as i-th piles 1-st product gift card money as (g[1],g[2],g[3].g[2×n]).(g[1],g[2],g[3]….g[2 \times n]).

Then the next N line as (1,2,3,..N) i-th line where:

  • each i-th line contains 2×n 2 \times n integers as i-th piles 2-st product gift card money as (g[1],g[2],g[3].g[2×n]).(g[1],g[2],g[3]….g[2 \times n]).

1n141 \leq n \leq 14

1m,UCi,BCi,gi10171 \leq m, UC_i, BC_i, g_i \leq {10}^{17}


Print the maximum total price of the gift cards.


2 1000
39 40 
16 89 
19 53 35 58 
23 45 93 15 
9 24 50 21 
20 11 59 44 


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80% Solution Ratio
steinumEarliest, Dec '22
steinumFastest, 0.5s
steinumLightest, 114 MB
steinumShortest, 918B
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