Concept: Fibonacchi Number, Looping.

Details: To solve the problem you first have to generate fibonacchi number up to 105. Mark those numbers as invalid indexes for the given string. Except those marked indices count the number of B and M .

If (total_number_of_B > total_number_of_M) print "Aaj Kemon Bodh Korcho" .
If ( **total_number_of_B ** < total_number_of_M) print "Hala Madrid" .
If (total_number_of_B = total_number_of_M) print "**Meh :**" .

[ Note: Make sure you printed '' correctly ]


68% Solution Ratio
ArifHosanEarliest, Sep '17
riyad000Fastest, 0.0s
bisnu_sarkarLightest, 131 kB
SabbasachiSutradharShortest, 390B
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