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Competitive Programming is very popular in Bangladesh. Shuvo is a contestant from DIU-SWE. His department is going to organize a Programming Contest for the junior contestant. Now Shuvo has to set a problem for the contest.

As Shuvo is an intelligent contestant, he wants to set a difficult problem as if no one can solve the problem. After thinking a few hours he gets a great idea of the problem.

Now think that there are NN people in two groups and every person have an ID Number\texttt{ID Number} (1ID Number1001 \le \texttt{ID Number} \le 100). The groups are created by the people according to their behaviors. In this problem, you have to count the number of Common ID\texttt{Common ID} in two groups.


The first line contains one integer NN (1N1001 \le N \le 100) – the number of people in each group.

The second line contains ID Numbers\texttt{ID Numbers} of NN people from the first group.

The third line contains ID Numbers\texttt{ID Numbers} of NN people from the second group.


Print one integer – the number of Common ID\texttt{Common ID} from two groups.


1  3  6  15  21
3  8  15  19 25

The answer will be 2 because 3 and 15 are the common numbers in the two groups.


Since there is no common number the answer will be 0.