Arya’s Counting

Limits 2s, 512 MB

Little Arya has learnt to count the highest and the lowest number recently. She can easily find out the highest and the lowest number from a set of given numbers. But she becomes confused when she finds two or more same numbers which are highest or lowest.

Yesterday she was watching the final standing of a mock contest organized by EWUCoPC which had 3 problems (A, B, C) in total. She tried to find out which problem was solved most.

Though Arya knows counting, she needs your help to be sure of her answer.


At first your program will take TT as a test case (1T1051 \le T \le 10^5). Then it will take input for each test case. Each test case will contain 3 non negative numbers less than or equal 100 as input where 1st number will denote how many teams have solved Problem-A, 2nd number will denote how many teams have solved Problem-B and 3rd number will denote how many teams have solved Problem-C.


For each test case you have to print “Case S: Z” (without quotes) where S denotes the case number (starting from 1) and Z denotes the problem number A or B or C which problem was solved most. If there are more than one problem which was solved most print “Case S: Confused” (without quotes).


1 2 3
3 2 1
3 1 2
2 3 3
0 100 50
Case 1: C
Case 2: A
Case 3: A
Case 4: Confused
Case 5: B