Let q1,q2,,qnq_1, q_2, \ldots, q_n be the optimal values such that the expected amount of dollars you pay back is minimized. The probability that team ii wins is pip_i, and if they win we have to pay back BiqiB_i \over q_i dollars. Thus our total expected payback will be S=i=1npiBiqiS = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{p_iB_i}{q_i} under the constraint that q1+.+qn=1q_1 + …. + q_n = 1.

We will find a relationship between qiq_i and qjq_j for each i,ji, j. Consider what happens when we only vary qiq_i and qjq_j and fix the rest. All terms of SSstays constant except piBiqi+pjBjqj\frac{p_i B_i}{q_i} +\frac{p_j B_j}{q_j}. SInce SS is minimum so is this term. Let qi+qj=kq_i+q_j = k. Then piBix+pjBjkx\frac{p_i B_i}{x} +\frac{p_j B_j}{k-x}must be minimum at x=qix = q_i. Remember that the first derivative is 0 at minima. Thus differentiating at x=qix = q_i,
we have piBix2+pjBj(kx)2=0    xkx=piBipjBj    qiqj=pi,bipj,bj- \frac{p_i B_i}{x^2} + \frac{p_jB_j}{(k-x)^2} = 0 \implies \frac{x}{k-x} = \frac {\sqrt{p_i B_i}}{\sqrt{ p_jB_j}} \implies \frac{q_i}{q_j} = \frac{\sqrt{p_i, b_i}}{\sqrt{p_j, b_j}} for all i,ji, j

In other words, qiq_i is proportional to pibi\sqrt{p_i b_i}. Let ai=pibi.a_i = \sqrt{p_i b_i}.Then it is a matter of simple algebra to show that

qi=ai/aiq_i = a_i/\sum{a_i} and S=(ai)2S = \left(\sum a_i\right)^2


100% Solution Ratio
BigBagEarliest, Apr '21
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serotoninShortest, 519B
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