Call a Meeting

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Alice and Bob are hosting a programming contest in Abiland. All the judges live in different cities (or same). On the contest day, all judges are going to be present at contest venue. Alice and Bob will pay the travel cost of all the judges. They want to minimize total traveling cost. Cities are connected by roads like a tree. Judges can move alone or can form a group with other judges. Cost of the traveling between cities depends on the size of the group. Two groups can merge. After merging, all members of previous two group will be in the new group. If two judges are in the same group at some point then they will be in same group forever.

The government of Abiland offers Alice and Bob and all contestants x free tickets per person. Using those tickets Alice and Bob can relocate contest venue. However, these tickets can’t be used for the transportation of the judges.

Now, you are given the number of cities nn (cities are numbered from 1 to nn), the number of judges mm and their current cities, all the roads that connect two cities. You have to tell the minimum cost of traveling for all judges to the contest venue. All contestants, Alice and Bob and Contest Venue are now in city 1. By moving all contestants, Alice and Bob can relocate the contest venue. To pass a road contestants, Alice and Bob use 1 ticket each and they cannot pass a road if they have no tickets left.


Input starts with an integer TT (0<T700 < T \le 70), denoting the number of test cases. Each case starts with an integer nn (1n1000001 \le n \le 100000), followed by mm (1m61 \le m \le 6) and xx (0x10000 \le x \le 1000).

The next line contains mm space separated integers between 0 and 10910^9, the ii-th integer in this line denotes the cost of passing a road if a group of size ii travels.

The next line contains mm space separated integers between 1 and nn, denoting the current city of the judges respectively.

Then there are n1n - 1 lines each containing two integers, uu and vv (1u,vn1 \le u, v \le n, uvu \ne v) meaning that there is a road between city uu and vv.

The sum of n in one file is 100000≤ 100000.


For each case, print the minimum traveling cost that Alice and Bob must pay so that all the judges can reach the Contest Venue.


5 1 5
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
5 3 0
2 1 1
4 5 3
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5