Code With Fun

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Every year the CSE Department of ULAB tries to identify "The Best Future Programmer" by a simple time-based performance criteria. This criteria is an indication of a programmer's daily activity.

A good programmer always tries to solve 33 or more problems in a day. They invest a minimum of 33 hours to read the programming books/blogs. And, they participate in at least 11 contest within a week.

Aman is tasked with evaluating the performance of this year’s students. He is given NN, the number of days since when the student started practicing, PP, the number of problems he has solved within these NN days, HH, the total hours of reading programming books and blogs in these NN days, and CC, the total number of contests participated in these NN days.

Aman needs your help writing a program to do this. You can assume that if, for example, someone has solved PP problems in NN days, then it doesn’t matter on which exact days the student has solved the problems as long as the criteria is fulfilled. The same applies for HH and CC.


The first line contains TT (1T1001 \leq T \leq 100), the number of test cases.

The only line of each test case will contain four integers separated by space,

NN (1N500001 \leq N \leq 50000) — Number of days.

PP (0P1500000 \leq P \leq 150000) — Number of problems solved within NN days.

HH (0H1500000 \leq H \leq 150000) — Total hours of reading books/blogs within NN days.

CC (0C1500000 \leq C \leq 150000) — Total contest participation within NN days.


For each test case, you have to print Yes\texttt{Yes} if Aman’s performance matches with the described criteria otherwise print No\texttt{No}.


1 3 3 1
6 19 20 0
7 25 24 0
7 25 24 1
10000 30000 30000 1428