Deadpool Gonna Make Math Fun!

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Two facts about deadpool are one, he loves math (biggest lie ever!) and two, he can't die (sort of true!). His mathematician friend "Batman Bin Superman" told him "he know how to make him dead".
"Batman Bin Superman" thinks everybody need to learn some math before they die. So he is teaching him about classification of numbers and will take an exam on it. If deadpool pass it then he will help him to die. He will give deadpool a set of n numbers and deadpool have to say the type of that set of n numbers.

Classification of numbers according to "Batman Bin Superman" -

  1. Positive Numbers: Any number which is greater than zero is positive number. And a set of positive number is consist of only positive numbers.
    Example: {1,2,3}.

2)**Negative Numbers:**Any number which is less than zero is negative number. And a set of negative number is consist of only negative numbers.
Example: {-1,-2,-5}.

3)Non Negative Numbers: A set of non negative number will consist of at least one positive number and at least a zero.
Example: {0,1,2,3}.

4)Real Numbers: A set of real number will consist of at least a positive number and at least a zero and at least a negative number.
Example: Example: {-1,-2,-3,0,1,2,3}.

Now deadpool needs your help. You have to write a program for deadpool.

You will be given n number(s), you have to print the type of the set of this n numbers.

Note: It is guaranteed that all input set will be one of these four types.


First line of input will contain an integer n (2<=n<=100). Then next line will contain n numbers and each of these number will be between -100 and 100.


Print the type of set consisting of these n numbers. If input is set of positive numbers print “Positive Numbers”, If input is set of negative numbers print “Negative Numbers”, If input is set of non negative numbers print “Non Negative Numbers”, If input is set of real numbers print “Real Numbers”.


1 2 3
Positive Numbers
-1 -2 -3
Negative Numbers