Dinner With Aminvai

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Aminvai is a famous programmer of the world. He has a lot of fans & followers. Unfortunately, he has no enough time for talking to all of his fans and followers. Recently, his PA has announced an offer. They who will be able to solve this problem, may get the opportunity to have dinner with Aminvai on 29th February 2021.

In this problem, you'll be given a number. You have to add 4 with the given number. Then multiply the new number with 2. Subtract 8 from the last number you got. Now, divide this number by 2 and output the quotient you got.


There are several test cases. The first line of input contains a positive integer $T$ ( $1 \le T \le 100$), which denotes the number of test cases. In each line of next $T$ lines, there will be given a number $X$ ($-10^{1000} \le X \le 10^{1000} $).


Output will contain $T$ lines. In each line, you have to print a number which denotes the answer for the consecutive test case.



$5 + 4 = 9$

$9 \times 2 = 18$

$18 - 8 = 10$

$10 \div 2 = 5$.