Prerequisite: Nim Game (Game Theory), Divisor Sieve (Number Theory)

Explanation: At first, we have to calculate the number of mangoes in each tree in an efficient way. For this, we can precalculate the number of divisors 11 to 10610^6using the divisor sieve.

for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
    for (int j = i; j <= 1000000; j += i)
        d[j]++; // divisor count

Now, we can think of each mango tree as a single NIM pile as the game can be considered as a classical NIM game. From NIM game we know that the current player has a winning strategy if and only if the xor-sum of the pile sizes is non-zero. So, we have to calculate the xor-sum of all D(i)D(i) from LL to RR. But we have to answer a lot of queries so we can not iterate the range for every query. Here, we can use a characteristic of XOR to answer all queries in O(1)O(1). We will calculate the cumulative xor-sum of all D(i)D(i) from 11 to 10610^6.

for (int i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
        cxor[i] = cxor[i - 1] ^ d[i];

According to XOR’s characteristic, d[L]d[L+1]d[R]=cxor[R]cxor[L1]d[L]\oplus d[L+1]\oplus … \oplus d[R] = cxor[R]\oplus cxor[L-1]. Now we can answer each query in O(1)O(1).

Time Complexity: Precalculation of divisor sieve in O(NlogN)O(N log N) and Calculation of cumulative xor-sum in O(n)O(n) and answering each query in O(1)O(1).


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Asad_BinEarliest, Jun '21
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