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Given an integer NN, print a full pyramid of asterisks.

A full pyramid of asterisks of size NN has NN lines of asterisks. The first line has 1 asterisk, the second line has 2 asterisks, the third line has 3 asterisks and so on. Each asterisk has a space between them. The asterisks in each line are centered to make it look like a pyramid.

Here is a full pyramid of asterisks of size 4:

  * *
 * * *
* * * *


The input will contain an integer NN (1N1001 \le N \le 100).


Print the full pyramid of asterisks of the given size.

Do not print any space after the last asterisk in each line.


 * *
* * *


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83% Solution Ratio
ashik_jiddneyEarliest, Nov '18
ashik_jiddneyFastest, 0.0s
ReduancsLightest, 0 B
saitotaShortest, 38B
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