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Alice and Bob are playing GoG. GoG is a two-player board game. It consists of a grid with nn rows and mm columns. Players take alternate moves. In each move, a player can move in four directions (Up, Down, Left, and Right). If a player goes out of the grid or goes to a cell that has already been visited by any player (Alice or Bob), then the player dies. The last person alive wins.

Alice starts at the top-left cell and Bob starts at the bottom-right cell. Can you determine the winner, considering both players play optimally and Alice goes first?


The first line of the input will contain a single integer TT (1T1001 \leq T \leq 100), the number of test cases.

The next TT lines each will contain the two integers nn and mm (1n,m105;2n×m1051 \leq n, m \leq 10^5; 2 \leq n \times m \leq 10^5), the dimensions of the grid for that testcase.


For each testcase, print the name of the winner in a new line.


1 3
2 2


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98% Solution Ratio
Siddik_53rdEarliest, Nov '21
habijabiFastest, 0.0s
habijabiLightest, 0 B
B0r0_V41Shortest, 107B
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