Limits 1s, 512 MB

Alice and Bob are participating for this year’s HAKA-LAKA contest. Both of them qualified for the final with their talent. Now in the final, they got a very easy geometry problem to solve. Whoever can solve the problem will be this year’s HAKA-LAKA King. So the problem requires one to find the radius of a circle where $AB$ and $CD$ is perpendicular and the length of $OA$, $OB$, $OD$ are given. Bob doesn't know how to solve this problem so this is the golden opportunity for Alice to win. Since you’re Alice’s friend, help Alice to solve the problem.


Every test will contain 3 integers $OA$, $OB$, $OD$ $\leq 5000$


You have to print the answer as per statement.

Your answer will be considered correct if its absolute or relative error doesn't exceed $10^{-6}$.


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97% Solution Ratio
Nowshin_SEarliest, Oct '20
Nowshin_SFastest, 0.0s
TurinhstuLightest, 0 B
mdvirusShortest, 84B
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