Harry Vs Voldemort

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In the year 3018, Harry Potter is facing a fight with Lord Voldemort. Lord Voldemort has a wand that has a magical power of KK. Now to defeat lord Voldemort, Harry has to make a wand from spells. Harry knows NN number of spells but there is a problem. Each spell has a strength of magical power and lord Voldemort is knocking at the door. To defeat Voldemort, Harry has to have a more powerful wand than of his opponent. With no time in hand, Harry wants to make the wand with least number of spells, if at all possible. Now, you are Dobby, a programmer from the past 2018. Ron took you to the future and now Harry wants you to calculate the minimum number of spells he will need to defeat lord Voldemort. Can you help him?


The first line starts with the number of cases TT. Next TT test cases follow, each with two lines. First line contains the number NN and KK with a space. Following line contains NN integers AA, AiA_i denoting the power of the ii-th spell.


Print the case number and the minimum number of spells SS Harry would need to make the wand. If Harry is unable to defeat Voldemort, print “Dobby is sorry for master Harry” (without the quote).


4 25
10 7 18 9
4 250
10 7 18 9 
Case 1: 2
Case 2: Dobby is sorry for master Harry

In case 1, Harry can make the wand using 2 spells only: spell 1 and 3.

In case 2, even if Harry uses all his four spells, he will not be able to defeat Voldemort.