Jhamela, Once Again

Limits 1s, 128 MB

You are given n positive integers as an array. Also, you are given an integer k. Now, try to find a subsequence of the array that (LCM - GCD) of that subsequence equals to k. You don't have to print the subsequence, just print whether it is possible to find a subsequence with given condition or not!
Note: Here, LCM means Least common multiple and GCD means Greatest common divisor. Also subsequence means a new array which can be generated by deleting some values of initial array without changing the order. GCD & LCM of single number are same and equal to the number of itself.


You have to answer T independent queries.First line contains two integers n & k, the length of the array and the value of (LCM - GCD). Second line contains n positive integers as an array a. Let, the value at ith position is ai.


Print "YES", if it is possible to find a subsequence which (LCM - GCD) equals to k. Otherwise, print "NO".Print them without quotes with a newline. And, try to use faster IO as the dataset is huge.


5 3
2 4 8 3 6
3 22
6 8 12
3 20
6 8 12
3 6
6 8 12
3 10
6 8 12

In first case, GCD of {3, 6} is 3 and LCM of same subsequence is 6. So, (LCM - GCD) is 3 here.
In second case, GCD of {6, 8, 12} is 2 and LCM of same subsequence is 24. So, (LCM - GCD) is 22 here.
In third case, GCD of {8, 12} is 4 and LCM of same subsequence is 24. So, (LCM - GCD) is 20 here.
In fourth case, GCD of {6, 12} is 6 and LCM of same subsequence is 12. So, (LCM - GCD) is 6 here.
In last case, there's no subsequence which difference of LCM and GCD equals to 10.