Keep It Cool

Limits 1s, 512 MB · Custom Checker

As the workload of the semester is ramping up you get the task of
refilling the fridge in the lab with soda. The fridge
has s slots, each with a capacity for d bottles of soda,
and you have n new soda bottles to add to the fridge. The sodas
currently in the fridge are all nice and cold, but the new ones are
not and need to be cooled in the fridge for a while until they are ready
to drink.

You can only refill the fridge from the front, so in an ideal world,
you would first take out all the sodas currently in the fridge, then
put in the n new ones, and then put the old and cold sodas in front of
the new ones. But in an ideal world you would also not have two exams
and a homework deadline coming. You are simply way too busy to do
all this work.

Instead, you are going to just put the new bottles in the front of the
fridge and hope for the best. However, you can still to be clever about
which slots to put the new sodas in. Each time a student comes for a
soda, they will take one from the front of a uniformly random non-empty
slot in the fridge. You decide to add the new bottles to the fridge
so as to maximize the probability that all the next m students
getting a soda from the fridge will get a cold one.


The first line of input contains four integers n, m, s and d (1 ≤ n,
m, s, d ≤ 100), the number of new soda bottles, number of students to
optimize for, number of slots in the fridge, and capacity of each
slot, respectively. Then follows a line containing s integers
c1, ..., cs (0 ≤ ci ≤ d for each i), where ci is
the number of soda bottles currently in slot i of the fridge.

You may assume that there is free space for all the n new bottles in the fridge.


If there is a chance that all the next mm students will get a cold
bottle, then output s integers describing a refill scheme for the
nn soda bottles that maximizes the probability of this happening. The
ith of these s integers indicates how many of the new bottles are
placed in the front of slot i in the fridge. If there are multiple
optimal refill schemes, output any one of them.
Otherwise, if it is impossible for all the next m students to get a
cold soda, output "impossible" instead.


5 3 3 4
0 1 4
2 3 0
2 7 6 4
0 1 2 2 0 1

This NCPC 2019 problem is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license.

You can find the original problem on the NCPC website.