Without all the glory details, in her turn, a player chooses an index ii such that vi>0v_i > 0, then chooses a positive integer kk smaller than viv_i, and does the following operation: vivi(modk)v_i’ \equiv v_i \pmod k.

We can think of the gameplay on each container as independent nim games. Thus, if we can compute the grundy values of the nim game played on each container, we can eventually find out the winner. If gig_i is the grundy value of the nim game played on the ithi^{th} container, then if g1g2gng_1 \oplus g_2 \oplus \cdots \oplus g_n is non-zero, first player wins.

For a container of size xx, we can choose different cup sizes kk such that the new size xx’ ranges in [0,ceil(x2)1][0, \text{ceil}(\frac{x}{2}) - 1]. So, grundy value g(x)=mex(g(0),g(1),,g(ceil(x2)1))g(x) = \text{mex}(g(0), g(1), \cdots, g(\text{ceil}(\frac{x}{2}) - 1)). As container sizes range upto 10710^7, we can precompute the grundy value for each size in a ‘prefix mex array’-ish approach. However, it can be proven by induction that g(x)g(x) equals to the index of the most significant bit in x+1x + 1.

Source Code (C++)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

const int N = 1e7 + 7;

int g[N], pg[N];
bool mark[N];

void precompute() {
    g[0] = 0, pg[0] = 1, mark[0] = true;
    int mex = 0;

    for(int i=1; i<N; ++i) {
        g[i] = pg[(i + 1) / 2 - 1];
        mark[g[i]] = true;
        while(mex < N and mark[mex]) ++mex;
        pg[i] = mex;

int main() {


    int t, tc = 0;
    cin >> t;

    while(t--) {
        int n;
        cin >> n;

        vector<int> a(n);
        for(int& x : a) cin >> x;

        int res = 0;
        for(int x : a) res ^= g[x];
        cout << (res ? "Mrinalini" : "Kadambari") << "\n";

    return 0;


50% Solution Ratio
Fizzz_83Earliest, Nov '21
Kuddus.6068Fastest, 0.0s
arnab_1810043Lightest, 1.2 MB
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