The solution uses heavy light strategy.

First we fix a size B. For elements x that have frequency k less than B, we use a O(k2)O(k^2)solution. We define dp[i] = count of way to make it to i-th cell with number x (while avoiding cells with value x that are before). Then dp[i] = pre[pos[i]] - j<i\sum_{j < i}dp[j] * pre[pos[i] - pos[j]]. Here pre[a] represents count of way to make it from 1 to a without any restrictions. we consider the final cell to have x too when solving for value x.

For elements x that have frequency k greater than B, we use a O(nlogn)O(n\log n) solution, we define dp[p] = count of way to make it to position p, skipping x’s. then dp[p] = dp[p-1] + dp[p-2] + dp[p-4] + … (those with x’s are zeroes).

Now the time taken is O(nB+n2lognB)O\left(nB + \frac{n^2\log n}{B} \right) optimal happens when BnlognB \approx \sqrt{n \log n}making the solution O(nnlogn)O(n \sqrt{n \log n})


86% Solution Ratio
NirjhorEarliest, Jun '22
NirjhorFastest, 0.8s
nusuBotLightest, 27 MB
NirjhorShortest, 1365B
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