Struggling Shanto

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Shanto is a cricketer from Bangladesh national team. He is a struggling cricketer. Hardly he performed well. Today we are not talking about Shanto, we are talking about our cricket-obsessed mate Imrul who also enjoys programming.

Imrul has the list of runs Shanto scored in N\bf{N} matches. He wants to know the number of matches Shanto performed well. Imrul considers a good performance If Shanto scored more than 50\bf{50} runs in a match.

Imrul learned about sorting and searching recently. So, Imrul first sorts the array then counts the number of matches Shanto performed well by finding the number of matches Shanto scored more than 50\bf{50} runs. Now it’s your turn to find out the sorted array and number of matches Shanto performed well in according to Imrul.


The first line of input contains a single integer N\bf{N}the number of matches Shanto played. The second line contains N\bf{N} integers a1\bf{a_1}, a2\bf{a_2}, a3\bf{a_3},..., an\bf{a_n}.(ai\bf{a_i} means Shanto scored ai\bf{a_i} runs in ith\bf{i^{th}} match)

5N100\bf{5 \le N \le 100}

0ai200\bf{0 \le a_i \le 200}


You need to print the sorted array in the first line of output. In the second line, print the number of matches Shanto performed well.


5 0 22 51 10 74 2 9
0 2 5 9 10 22 51 74