Substring Search

Limits 1s, 512 MB

You are given nn strings s1,s2,s3,,sns_1, s_2, s_3, \ldots, s_n and should process mm queries. Each query is described by four integers i,l,r,ji,l,r,j. It means that you need to find how many times substring si[lr]s_i[l\ldots r] occurs in sjs_j.


The first line of the input contains an integer n(1n105)n(1\le n \le 10^5)— number of strings.

Each of the following nn lines contains a string sis_i of lowercase Latin letters. It is guaranteed that sum of all the strings is no more than 10510^5.

The following line contains an integer m(1m105)m(1\le m \le 10^5)— number of queries.

Each of the following mm lines contains four integers i,l,r,j(1i,jn,1lrsi)i, l, r, j(1\le i, j\le n, 1\le l \le r\le |s_i|) as mentioned in the statement. Note that, all the indices are 11-based and ii might be equal to jj.


For each query, print a single integer — the answer to the problem.


1 2 3 2
1 1 2 2

In the first query, i=1,l=2,r=3,j=2i=1, l=2, r=3, j=2. 1st1^{\text{st}}string s1s_1is abc, 2nd2^\text{nd} string s2s_2 is bca, and s1[23]=bcs_{1}[2\ldots 3]=\text{bc}.
Now, for the first query, we need to find the number of times bc occurs in s2s_2, which occurs only in s2[12]s_2[1\ldots 2]. Hence the answer to the first query is 1\boxed{1}.