Problem Formulation: Let’s think of each conveyor belt as a sequence of numbers Sv, Sc. We have to take p number of numbers from the first sequence and q number of numbers from the second sequence such that p+q = k where p>=1 and q>=1. And from all possible combinations of p and q the sum of taken numbers should be maximized. We have to merge these two prefixes (first p numbers from Sv, and first q numbers from Sc ) of that two sequences such that the resulting sequence is lexicographically smallest. 

First, we will iterate through all possible values of p and q and find the maximum sum. Based on this maximum sum, we will store those p and q values for which we found the maximum sum.

Using  two pointers for sequence Sv, Sc we will keep merging by taking a smaller element from the sequences. For checking, we may face any of these 3 conditions:

Sv[i] < Sc[j],   we take Sv[i]

Sv[i] > Sc[j],   we take Sc[j]

Sv[i] == Sc[j],   we keep checking forward until we get any inequality, say we found Sv[x] < Sc[y] we chose Sv[i] otherwise we chose Sc[j]. But this operation takes O(n) time which will not fit in the time limit.

So we need to precalculate all (i,j) pairs where the inequality is found. Let's say DP[i][j] keeps L such that  S[i,i+1,. . . . .i+l-1] ==S[j,j+1,...j+l-1].

State update will be done like this.

DP[i][j] =  if(S_b[i] == S_c[j]) (DP[i + 1][j + 1] + 1) else 0;

We can calculate it  in (m*n).

Now for each possible value of (p,q) we will generate the smallest  lexicographical sequence taking p from Sv and q from Sc.  Among these sequences we will take the smallest one.


13% Solution Ratio
aropanEarliest, Dec '21
Kuddus.6068Fastest, 0.1s
Wojciech.324122Lightest, 283 kB
Wojciech.324122Shortest, 2002B
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