Welcome to Criterion Rounds

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The team congratulates you for participating in this contest and for being part of the journey towards excellence. In this very first round of Criterion, we wish you a high rating, success, and prosperity in the future.

Let’s get into the problem now. You will be given some queries. In each query, you have to print F(N) for a positive integer number N.

Definition of F(N) = Number of bases, where representing N (without leading zeros) with a base (1 < base ≤ N) will contain 0 at the second least significant digit and non-zero digit at the least significant digit.

For example: Representing (13)10(13)_{10} to binary will give us (1101)2(1101)_2. Here the second least significant digit is 0.


First line of the input will contain a single integer QQ (1Q1061 ≤ Q ≤ 10^6), the number of queries. Each of the next QQ lines will contain a single integer NN (1N1051 ≤ N ≤ 10^5).


For each case print "Query x: y" without quotations where x is the number of the query and y is the required answer.


Query 1: 1
Query 2: 0
Query 3: 0