The Crossover Everybody Asked For: Rise of the Thorn Villain Duckducula
After the crossing of some millennia the forever feared one has arisen. Inflicting fear, tormenting ...
"DALL·E 36FC" is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natu...
The Assignment
Bolt is working at a prominent company called Icefire. He has been given a task for evaluation. The ...
Unique Substrings Query
You will be given a string s of length n. Consider substring s[i,n] (where i is the starting positio...
Move It!
Few of my friends are working on a game called “Move It!”. It's a tile-based game played on an $n\ti...
Train Hijack
You and your friend Daneliya Tuleshova are planning to hijack a train. Your friend will go inside a...
Cake Controversy
“Stop War, Save Life” – A life-changing motto proposed by Peace Want Society (PWS). To establish thi...
Random Graphs
This problem is very easy. There's a graph of $N$ nodes. Each edge $u-v$ ($u >= v ; u = v$ is possib...
Count Quadruplets
LCM is an abbreviation used for Least Common Multiple in Mathematics. The LCM of two positive intege...
This Is the Hardest Problem
The setter of this problem was very busy arranging Intra KUET Programming Contest. So he decided to ...
Moderate 47/62/213
Ross at a Loss
You might have seen Internet's greatest meme (later turned into a template) - Loss (The image on the...
Moderate 33/40/98
The Lucky Dice
Ray and Evangeline are playing a game named "The Lucky Dice". In this game, each player tosses up an...
You are given two convex polygons made out of lattice points (integer coordinates). One of them is c...
Little Bunny and Corns
Little Bunny loves to eat corns. Fortunately, he lives near an abandoned house which has a huge corn...
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
Amicable Numbers
From Wikipedia: “Amicable numbers are two different numbers so related that the sum of the proper di...
Grasshopper and The Ant
In a field one summer's day a grasshopper is hopping about and is coding to its heart's content for ...
K-th DuoPalindrome
Alice likes playing with Palindromes (strings that read the same backward as forward, such as 'madam...
Graph Stuff
You will be given a tree with n node numbered 1 to n with weighted edge. You will be asked q queries...
LazyM versus Arnab
There is a monster called lazyM in Rihamland who is the leader of this land. But another betrayer mo...
Moderate 4/4/8
Shrawan Barsha
Our hero ‘Shrawan’ is in love with a beautiful girl named ‘Barsha’. On the upcoming Valentine Day, h...
Moderate 5/6/16
Bikpik Colony
Bikpiks are very small aliens. Day by day they are becoming very dangerous for human being. They liv...
Subset Multiplication
In mathematics, especially in set theory, set A is a subset of set B, or equivalently B is a superse...
Tour in Grid
You have a grid with n rows and m columns. Cell at the i-th row and the j-th column is called Cell(i...
Interesting Triplets (Hard)
Niko just learned about tree. Not those give us oxygen but tree from graph theory. After a while, he...
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