Value Assignment Problem 2
You will be given a Tree and an array D. You will have to assign values in each node in the tree (sa...
Nested Palindromes
You will be given the length of a string N and the size of the character set allowed for the string ...
Final Days of Goldfinger
We see agent Bond once again being called in time of a great need. The vile criminal Auric Goldfinge...
In Brackets
Given a line of text, you have to extract the bit of text enclosed within a pair of brackets. There ...
Regexp Very Hard 14/14/18
Mag the Mighty Kaidul
The winter is about to come. Mag the Mighty Kaidul is waiting for it for days. It is his favorite se...
Snake Game
If you had played the Snake game in old Nokia phones then you had an awesome childhood because all t...
pinanzo Very Hard 20/22/38
Beautiful String
Given 3 sets of strings A, B, C find how many numbers of beautiful strings can be created from these...
khepa98 Very Hard 49/55/158
Tahsin and Tree
Tahsin loves graph theory very much. He is especially fond of trees. For his upcoming birthday his f...
Match the Color
'Subha' is a girl of 5 years old. Already she can recognize almost all of the colors and shapes even...
Bangladesh Has Got Talent
In music, there are 12 notes. In sequence, they are A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G# . Every ...
Energy Production
The famous astronaut Roddur Roy has reached an unknown planet by losing his way. Now he needs a lot ...
Assignment Assignment Assignment
After the season of online classes, now it’s time for evaluation. A teacher wants to evaluate the st...
Road Minister Techboy
Techboy is appointed as the minister of roads and highway in his country Better-Not-Name-It. Now he ...
Static Tree
You are given a tree containing N vertices. The vertices are numbered from 1 to N. A tree with N ver...
Repeating Units
A number is called repunit (Repeating Units) if the number is made of only 1’s, uch as 1,11 or 11111...
Non-Overlapping Ranges
In programming, a range is referred to as a continuous segment that has a lower bound and an upper b...
In this year's RoboFest, there a segment called LFR(Line Follower Robot) contest. An LFR contest is ...
Incremental Induction
The Nordic Collegiate Pong Championship (NCPC) is an insanely competive tournament where every conte...
LCM Divisible Subsequence
You’ll be given an array of $N$ integers and two more integers $K$ and $M$. You have to find the num...
Path Intersection Extended
Do you remember the problem from ICPC Dhaka Regional 2018 named $Path$ $Intersection$ by Md. Imran B...
Puzzle of 1's and 0's
There is a rectangular puzzle board containing N×Mnumber of places. Each place contains a number: ei...
Building the Number
This is a straight-froward problem. You will be given N. You have to find the expected value of buil...
Biswa and Restaurant Business
After huge success in Borhani business, Biswa has recently started restaurant business. He’s got the...
Magical Pascal
Given an integer N, find the number of elements which are even in the first N rows of the Pascal's t...
Robin Sparkles
Robin Sparkle went to the mall one day. While shopping, she remembered that she has a homework due t...
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