Battle of Brains
Do you remember Alice and Bob? They are fighting for glory in a battle game they’ve just bought. The...
Painting a Red X
The ground floor of AUST has been renovated. It now looks like a square with N×N tiles. The tiles ar...
Mettaton Attacks
This is an interactive problem. Mettaton, the star of underworld TV show attacks you again with his ...
Long Walk
One day Rupun the Rabit had a weird idea to go on a walk. She wants to go on a walk in one direction...
You are building a new game called Dreamrise. The game is played by 2 teams and each match usually l...
NJRafi Moderate 3/10/25
Survivor Sum
Suppose you have a multiset of numbers {a1​,a2​,…,ak​}. Suppose x is the smallest number and y is th...
Square Maze
Sajib is a criminal. Respected judge has sentenced him to prison for 10 years! He is now spending hi...
I Dont Like Polynomial
Given a k degree polynomial P(x)=∑i=0k​ai​xi (0≤ai​≤7) and f(n)=“number of such polynomial so that ...
The Errors
The government wants to provide relief to the flood-affected people. So, it set a committee. The com...
Cat Everywhere
Cats everywhere! I came back home after being far away for a long time. Two of my sisters are very f...
Fibonacci Between
Given two numbers L and R, you must print all the Fibonacci numbers between L and R (inclusive). Alt...
Black or White
Imagine an infinite chess board. The cell on the bottom-left most corner is labelled (0,0). The cell...
You have a backpack that can carry a maximum weight of C. You will also be given a set of items, the...
DP Very Easy 75/94/231
Closest Pair
You will be given N pair of coordinates on a 2D space. You will determine distance between the close...
In Brackets
Given a line of text, you have to extract the bit of text enclosed within a pair of brackets. There ...
Regexp Very Hard 14/14/18
Hello Regexp
Write a regular expression that will match texts like “Hello {X}” and only output “{X}” (w/o quotes)...
Regexp Moderate 16/18/22
Take It Easy
This is a very simple problem. You will be given a single integer n. You have to print four numbers ...
Batman vs. Ghul
I think you all know the name of Gotham city. Our hero Batman lives there. But a demon called Ra's a...
Moderate 15/38/122
Special Friends of Two
Let's consider two positive numbers X and Y to be friends if - X and Y have same length and differ ...
Moderate 4/10/42
Counter Attack
Alice and Bob played Nim for a long time and now they are pissed off after exploring the property of...
Moderate 5/22/57
Bridge Puzzle
There's a famous bridge puzzle, where you have four persons, each with a unique time required to cro...
Coin Collection
Neema and Mouri loves to collect coins. When they get bored, they bring out all of their coins. Usua...
Coin Collection (Easy)
Neema and Mouri loves to collect coins. When they get bored, they bring out all of their coins. Usua...
War of Programmers
Jackal and Bari have started solving problems in Online Judges. And in order to do well, they know t...
Very Easy 86/104/209
Hotel Royal
Datta, the great politician, loves parties. He takes all the big shots with him to the most famous r...
Moderate 47/61/149
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