ICPC Is Coming in Hot!
Tanmoy is an ACM ICPC contestant. During practice he came across a problem named ‘OWLLEN’. He has ha...
Decent Arrays
Given N numbers determine if they are in ascending order.
Given N numbers, find the one that is of the highest value and print it.
Tricky Ratio
Given the radius (r) of a circle you have to calculate the ratio between the circumference (C) of th...
How Many X's?
Given a string with only X’s you have to print how many X’s there are.
Very Easy 599/623/1k
Leap Years
In the Gregorian calendar, certain years have 366 days instead of 365. In such years, the month of F...
Pie Are Squared
Given the radius of a circle, calculate and print its area. The area of a circle can be computed usi...
Thought Game
Sadia is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. In fact, she is one of those persons who like...
Missing Number
Given the sum of four numbers and three of those numbers, find the missing number. All four numbers ...
Cash Change
You have an unlimited number of cash notes of the following denominations: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500. G...
Byang's Additions
Byang is learning how to add numbers. However, he gets confused whenever there is a carry. To help B...
Take It Easy
This is a very simple problem. You will be given a single integer n. You have to print four numbers ...
Biswa and Picnic
Biswa’s department is going on a picnic and as usual, he is a member of the organizing committee. Th...
The Third Problem
This is the third problem of today’s contest. In this problem you will be given a list of numbers. Y...
Moderate 396/413/697
Special Triplets
You will be given an integer X. You have to print any three integers greater than 0 and lesser than ...
Very Easy 460/509/1k
Big Factorials
Given an integer N, print the trailing 4 digits of N! (N factorial). N!=N×(N−1)×(N−2)×...×1 Here are...
Better Passwords
Byang is creating an account on Toph. He needs your help to create a strong password. Byang will giv...
A for Apple! B for...?
Nowadays, Sanvi is learning the English alphabet. She had already mastered A, B, C and D, but is sti...
Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer N, print the sum of the Nth row of the Pascal's triangle. In mathematics, Pascal's ...
Geometry Forever
Fear no more, this is a problem of geometry! When Moyna was little, he had a math teacher named Shuk...
ICPC Seat-Plan
From different countries and different universities, too many teams are coming to Bangladesh to part...
Set Union
Given two sets of integers, print the set containing the union of the two input sets. For example, g...
Afifa's ITS
Imagine some made up story here including Afifa (my little sister) and an Intelligent Transport Syst...
Alayna's Adventure Journey
Alayna recently went on her first adventure journey to Dumbulla Safari Park. She enjoyed the bumpy r...
Black or White
Imagine an infinite chess board. The cell on the bottom-left most corner is labelled (0,0). The cell...
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