Decent Arrays
Given N numbers determine if they are in ascending order.
Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer N, print the sum of the Nth row of the Pascal's triangle. In mathematics, Pascal's ...
Byang's Additions
Byang is learning how to add numbers. However, he gets confused whenever there is a carry. To help B...
Is Palindrome
Given a word, print Yes if it is a palindrome, otherwise No. A palindrome is a word which reads the ...
How Many X's?
Given a string with only X’s you have to print how many X’s there are.
Very Easy 602/627/1k
ASCII Progress Bar
In this problem, you need to write a code that prints an ASCII progress bar. In each test case, you ...
Thought Game
Sadia is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. In fact, she is one of those persons who like...
Arya’s Counting
Little Arya has learnt to count the highest and the lowest number recently. She can easily find out ...
Prime Plus Prime
You will be given an integer N. N is a prime number. You have to determine if adding any other prime...
Very Easy 145/218/640
A for Apple! B for...?
Nowadays, Sanvi is learning the English alphabet. She had already mastered A, B, C and D, but is sti...
45th ICPC Unsolved Problem!
ICPC is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. Each year, the I...
Prime Factors
Given an integer N, can you determine its prime factors?
Mixed Fractions
Given an improper fraction (as the numerator $N$ and the denominator $D$), determine and print it in...
The Third Problem
This is the third problem of today’s contest. In this problem you will be given a list of numbers. Y...
Moderate 398/415/699
Afifa's ITS
Imagine some made up story here including Afifa (my little sister) and an Intelligent Transport Syst...
Is Prime
Given an integer $N$, determine if it is a prime a number. A number is called prime if it is only di...
Do you know what MSIS is? MSIS is the abbreviation for Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence. It is a s...
Little Matrix Multiplication
Given two 2×2 matrices, calculate the product of the two matrices. The product of two 2×2 matrices w...
BPL Mubarak!
Bangladesh Premier League is in Sylhet for the first time. Today's match is Sylhet Sixers vs the Dha...
Take It Easy
This is a very simple problem. You will be given a single integer n. You have to print four numbers ...
Is Anagram
An anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word. The words "listen" and "sile...
Running Average
Given $N$ numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the...
Shhh! Don't Tell!
The Bad guys are using the social media to spread their malicious messages to the mass. They have co...
Paying Bills
Mued is finally home for summer vacation after surviving yet another semester of the mighty CS Under...
Circles in a Rectangle
Two circles are placed inside a rectangle. They do not intersect with each other but they are touchi...
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