Problems from 1st AUB Inter University Programming Contest 2018

These problems are from a contest hosted on May 12, 2018 at 5:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Left and Right
You are given an array of n distinct integers. You will take index k as input and have to find out m...
B. Game of Tic-Tac-Toe
Alice and Bob is a playing a game of tic-tac-toe, to be precise a variant of tic-tac-toe called Nota...
C. Maximum Direction in a Matrix
The Great Researcher Mr. Bari will give you some chocolates from Singapore if you can solve the foll...
D. Tasks
Zico is a fan of Artificial Intelligence (AI). So he is doing a course on AI and even likes the teac...
E. Printing Error
We all know programming contest is fun. Every year teams all over the country participate in many co...
F. Chocolates
Asiar likes chocolates a lot. One day, she was walking by the road to her school. Suddenly a magicia...
G. Angry Talha
Talha is a very good student and topper of his class. He is very good at teaching others too. One da...
H. A Feast for the Fans
Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. We...
I. Kitorp and His Wife
To encourage Kitorp's promising coding career, his wife Asiar, offers him a prize if he wins (at lea...
J. Bouquet For My Valentine
Valentine's day is coming. (I know, it's still 9 months away, but bear with me) Najib is planning a ...
K. Traffic Jam That Never Ends
Of all the dysfunctions that plague the world’s megacities, none may be more pernicious than bad (re...
kitorp Moderate 13/19/91
L. Modified Linear Regression
Mr X is a real state business magnate. He hired you to write program for predicting housing prices. ...
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