Problems from FEC TECHNO FEST 2k21

These problems are from a contest organized by Faridpur Engineering College on December 21, 2021 at 4:45 AM UTC See details...

A. The Problem We All Love to Solve
A contest isn’t a contest without a hard problem like this. The problem we all love to solve is to p...
B. Ostracise
Ostracise means exclude from a society or group. You are given an N (Where N%2=1) size array /, wher...
depcfec Very Easy 18/21/36
C. Fibonnaci Mystery
You are given a Fibonacci number N. You need to find three fibonacci numbers x,y,z where x+y+z = N. ...
D. Mod Is Fun
This problem is very straight forward. You are given a N size array A. You have to select 3 index x,...
E. Longest Common Subsequence
This problem is a gift for you. The statement is straight forward. You will be given 3 strings. You ...
F. Awesome Array
Tamim has an array of integers a1​,a2​,…,an​ Definition of an awesome array — If K is the maximum el...
G. Help the Mayor
In 2021, a new Mayor has been elected and he wants to reconstruct all the roads of Faridpur City. Th...
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