Problems from 3rd PSTU IT Carnival Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on March 23, 2018 at 3:15 AM UTC. See details...

A. Game Theory?
Farhan is very good at chess.He always beats anik. So Anik has invented his own game. There will a s...
B. One Piece
New world is like a tree of N nodes. Celestial Dragons want to divide this world into several region...
C. Baby-step Giant-step
Let, XN=R ( mod M ) You will be given the values of N,R and M . You have to find the minimum possibl...
D. Saqura Saqura
if anyone told Saqura any non-negative number A , he immediately replied another non-negative number...
E. Another Game?
This time Farhan has invented his own game There will be an array of N integers.2 players will play ...
F. It's definitely not a game theory!!!
You are given array of N integers. Let's define score of an array, S = ∑ (ara[i] - ara[i - 1]) for a...
G. Twin Prime Conjecture
A prime number is any number that can be divided only by 1 and itself. For example, 3 is a prime num...
H. Previous Days Soup
This task is easy. You are given a function: f(n) = f(n-1)+f(n-1); where f(0) = 1; n is given. Find ...
I. Appointment
Tamanna wants to get her thesis supervisor's appointment. But her supervisor wants to play with appo...
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