Problems from 3rd PUC Intra University Programming Contest

These problems are from a contest hosted on February 9, 2020 at 4:00 AM UTC. See details...

A. Meena and Lali
One day Raju challenge Meena to do his daily jobs. After accepting Raju’s challenge Meena and Mithu ...
B. Perplexity of Permutations
A permutation of N integers from 1 to N is an array where each number has appeared exactly once in t...
C. Metro Rail Blocks
The city of Dhaka is experiencing the construction of metro rails. Imagine one such metro rail spans...
D. Make Them Odd Again
Meena gave Raju an array A with N integers. In one operation Raju can choose an index except the fir...
E. Welcome to the Competitive World
“To prepare a programmer such that his/her logical ability increases and he/she is able to write cod...
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