Problems from CodeBash 1.0

These problems are from a contest hosted on January 10, 2022 at 3:00 PM UTC. See details...

A. Start in a Good Way
The president of the Programming Club is single. Do you know why?? Let me tell you the story behind ...
B. Distinct Digit
Mimi, a girl of four, has recently learned digits. Her mother gives a number n and Mimi identifies t...
C. Secret Panda School
There is a secret panda school somewhere in the mountains. The school entrance is protected by a hig...
D. Tales of a Tree
There is a magical tree in a mythical forest that grows exponentially. The tree has the power to dou...
E. The Sly Bunny
Once upon a time, there was a sly bunny. She always liked to hop. She started on the first tile and ...
F. Magic Cards
Shafin has n number of cards. Each card has different points (bigger integer means big points). Shaf...
G. Irritating One
Master Oogway was an elderly tortoise and the previous senior master of the Jade Palace. He is credi...
H. A Comical Problem
Adnan is a student of class 10. He is very fond of comic books. He is used to reading comics daily. ...
I. A Planet Without Zero
The number zero was first discovered by famous Indian mathematician Arya Bhatt. Don’t you think zero...
J. Hate Duplicate
My friend Iqbal hates duplicate characters in a string. So, He wants to develop a system that remove...
K. Crow Conundrum
A murder of crows was sitting together on an electric line. Each inch of the total length of the wir...
L. ASCII Identification
ASCII  abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encoding ...
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